By Daily Mail Reporter
"A former policeman has been branded 'every parent's worst nightmare' after committing a string of sex offences against children.
Daniel Lishman has been jailed for life and will serve a minimum of 11 years before being considered for parole.
He used jobs as a mobile dog-groomer and a TV licensing officer to help him carry out at least eight offences and also posed as a policeman to indecently assault two young girls, Coventry Crown Court heard."
Cuffed: Daniel Lishman is believed to have committed his first crime while working as an officer for Northamptonshire Police
" The 37-year-old, of Thorpe Street, Raunds, Northamptonshire, was convicted at previous hearings of 26 counts and asked for four others to be considered.
The charges, including one of rape and 12 of sexual assault, related to a total of 13 victims, including three with disabilities or learning difficulties, as well as hundreds of indecent images of children.
Lishman, who was a serving police constable when his first crime was committed, was arrested in April last year after attacking a 12-year-old girl while pretending to check on a boiler at an address in Southam, Warwickshire.
Judge Peter Carr was told that Lishman, who served with Northamptonshire Police between 1995 and 2002, was linked to a string of other offences after detectives who arrested him found a camera memory card hidden in one of his socks.
The card contained images showing Lishman posing indecently near an eight-year-old girl, who had been 'blindfolded' using a pair of taped-up goggles in the back of his dog-grooming van.
Passing sentence at Coventry Crown Court, Judge Carr told Lishman: 'About ten years or so ago, you began what can only be described as your systematic sexual abuse of your victims, who were in the main very young children.'"
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Mother gives birth in hospital toilet bowl as midwives 'ignore desperate calls for help'
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:22 AM on 25th January 2011
" A mother who gave birth to her daughter in a hospital toilet said staff had ignored her desperate screams for help.
Sharon Willoughby, 40, and her partner Richard Sum said they also rang the emergency alarm but waited in vain for 15 minutes because staff thought 'she wanted a cup of tea'.
Miss Willoughby had gone into the birthing unit at King's Mill Hospital in Nottinghamshire in November last year and was given drugs to induce the birth."
"'Desperate calls': Sharon Willoughby, 40, and her partner Richard Sum, 38, with their ten-week-old daughter Felicity at their home in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire
But she claims she was not internally examined and went to the bathroom because of excruciating pain a few hours later that evening.
She quickly gave birth and Richard had to scoop his daughter Felicity out of the toilet bowl.
They claim they called out for help and pulled the emergency cord but no one came.
Richard then helped Sharon back from the toilet - carrying the child still attached by the cord - before rushing to get help as Sharon was losing blood.
Now the pair are considering legal action after the blunder.
"Sharon believes staff and midwives ignored her when she told them the pain was increasing."
"'We were there for 15 minutes holding the baby, pulling the alarm - but nothing happened'
She said: 'It was very frightening, horrible. I don't know if they were bored with the job but they didn't take any notice.
'They were cold, so it was already not a nice experience at all.
'Felicity was still attached with Richard holding her, it was slow progress.
'We didn't know what was happening, no one was coming. We were later told they thought I was calling for a cup of tea.'"
"Sharon, who has had two other children, needed a blood transfusion because of the amount of blood she lost and was in hospital for three more days.
He said: 'Sharon went to the bathroom and started screaming. I went in and as she crouched down I saw something come out.
'We didn't know what it was but Sharon felt the pain go. Our baby was in the toilet and Sharon looked round and realised she had given birth.
'We were there for 15 minutes holding the baby, pulling the alarm - but nothing happened.'"
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Jeremy Hughes, chief executive of the Alzheimer’s Society, says it's a travesty
By Victoria Fletcher, Health Editor
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"TENS of thousands of patients with dementia are being forced into care residences long before they need to go, a leading charity has claimed.
Around 50,000 are receiving so little help from council carers, that their loved ones are being forced to put them into a home."
"A report by the Alzheimer’s Society has revealed a shocking picture of the fate of dementia patients, with many left malnourished, in soiled incontinence pads and bedridden because of the poor service provided by private and state-funded home carers."
" One woman reported how staff from a private firm of carers ate her husband’s food and slept instead of helping to clean, change and feed him.
Councils around the country are slashing spending on care for the elderly. Many have already made it harder for families to qualify for home help, leaving children and spouses with no choice but to put their loved one in a home or spend their savings on buying private home help. Jeremy Hughes, chief executive of the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “It is a travesty that so many people with dementia are being forced to struggle without the care and support they need.”'
"There are about 750,000 people in Britain with dementia, half of whom have Alzheimer’s disease. About 500,000 are cared for in the community by their spouse or their children.
But many elderly spouses need help to feed, wash and change the bedclothes of their loved ones as they themselves are too weak.
Local councils often send in home carers to do this, who they employ directly or contract in from private firms. But the quality of service varies wildly. Some carers are almost untrained while others have only a few minutes with each family, and hardly have time to get patients out of bed with no hope of helping to wash or feed them. . . "'
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