Prosecutors dropped rape charges Friday against three Duke University lacrosse players accused of attacking a stripper at a team party, but the three still face kidnapping and sexual offense charges, a defense attorney said.
Point of View
While I was very pleased to see the rape charges dropped in the Duke laCrosse case, I was shocked that the prosecution has no plans to drop the kidnapping and sexual assault charges.
Their reasoning? While the accuser now claims that she can't be certain that she was penetrated vaginally, she's still claiming she was still penetrated with - something.
However, it appears, at this point anyway, that she can't recall exactly what that something is!
So, let me get this straight. First, the accuser claims she was raped - then not raped, then - oh, yeh, I'm sure this time - raped at a Duke LaCrosse party last Spring.
This was after having left the scene with a second stripper, Kim Roberts, who stated the accusation was a crock, then decided maybe it wasn't a crock, then, finally, oh yeh, it definitely was a crock.
The same Miss Roberts, who later described to the media that the two had left the party "Happy", before the accuser had demanded for Kim to put marks on her.
"Happy". Hmm, what an odd choice of words to use by someone who supposedly had engaged in a hostile verbal exchange with the players, after being accused of cheating them out of their money.
An odd choice of words to be used after the accuser was supposedly viciously assaulted and raped.
Of course, then the accuser had trouble keeping her stories straight, followed by extreme difficulty identifying her assailants.
So much trouble in fact, that the police had to play Spin The Bottle - doing all but pointing a finger and saying, Pick him ... and him ... and him!
Naturally, we can't forget to mention the minor little detail that there was no DNA evidence, of any kind, linking the 3 Duke boys to the alleged rape. There was no transfer of evidence either, as far as I'm aware.
There were no injuries noted by the SANE nurse, only some diffuse inner vaginal wall edema. Considering the amount of multiple DNA, apparently deposited close to the time of the party, and later found by the crime lab, that's not surprising.
And of course a couple of weeks ago, Cousin Jakkie is letting his / her (?) tears fly on TV, while implying that the accuser is pregnant as a result of being raped by the Duke laCrosse players.
So now they would have us believe that, after stating specifically what each defendant supposedly did to her, even making an addendum to her own written statement, by saying that one had ejaculated in her mouth, now ... NOW she can't testify as to that having actually occurred?
However. She's still absolutely certain she was assaulted with something. Not sure with what, Folks, but it was definitely something!
Well, let's give her a few more months, then maybe she'll figure out what that something was!
And then, to further insult our intelligence, we are expected to believe that this latest bout is the result of the accuser's having been so traumatized that she's still having memory problems?
Ooohhhkkkkk. Well, if anyone else really buys into this story ... ugh ... I have this bridge in the desert ... dirt cheap!
Part II coming up later tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Modified 12/27/06
This case is public in a big way, and helps reinforce the belief of many experienced officers thta the majority of rape compalaints are bogus. I was more involved in the crime scene process, than the follow-up investigations, but it seemed to me that one of the first priorities of detectives is to confirm that a rape actually occured.
Posted by: Wally Lind | December 23, 2006 at 12:50 AM
Wally, I have no LE experience, but I think the pendulum is swinging the other way - and this case just gave it a big push.
A few years ago a 10 year old neighbor girl told me to give her $1,000 or she'd tell her parents I'd raped her. Fortunately she left it on my answering machine, and the first thing I did was call my lawyer. When she made her demand again, in person, it was on tape. Otherwise I'd probably be in jail now.
Of course, since she was 10, the court did absolutely nothing. Welcome to life as a man in America.
But this case is so obvious, and so well publisized, I think (hope, pray) it will get ordinary people in the jury pool thinking about false accusation.
Posted by: Richard R | December 24, 2006 at 03:44 AM
Lacrosse Case/MLK DAY
JANUARY 15, 2007
Our First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, lived a life that can only be described as miraculous. This very public figure, with her high moral standards, personified for a generation the perfect specimen of a Black Woman.
The history of Black Women is a story of perseverance. Before our oppression began, we lived in Africa. We worked hard to help our husbands supply food and shelter for our families. During our slavery years, we worked in foreign fields and in our oppressors’ houses. We spent as much time as we could with our children instilling in them the hope of one day being free. When our freedom came, we struggled to start new lives. The Ku Klux Klan and the lynching of our Black Men became our constant pain. During the Montgomery Boycott, Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King brought out the best in us. We refused to ride the bus to work even though we knew we would be on our feet all day cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, and taking care of someone else’s children. After the long walk home each night, we would get on our knees and pray that our children would have a better life and a college education.
Today, those prayers have been answered. Many Black Women are educated and have a better life. Their children are called the Hip-Hop Generation.
Hip-Hop Role Models For Young Black Women
The hip-hop generation’s role models are black women with multi-million dollar recording contracts. Some of these black icons of song gyrate themselves into the hearts and minds of young black females with visual images and a message that is loud and clear:
Money and being sexy are the answers to all of your problems. Get the “bling” by any means necessary. There is nothing wrong with being in a music video and moving seductively to the lyrics of “bitches and whores” or taking off your clothes and dancing around a pole for the sexual gratification of men.
Posted by: Anonymous | January 15, 2007 at 08:31 AM